Blind Trust in the News Channels

By Sarang

Those who watch Heros will be families with the character Matt Parkman who has the ability to read and control the mind of other people. This ability seems so fascinating because it gives total power. You can make people do, feel and believe whatever you want. Yes it is amazing but the fact is that Matt is only fictitious character in a fantasy drama series. Although Matt does not exist but there does exist something much more powerful than him. Matt can control the mind of only a few people at a time but this 'something' can control the minds of millions rather billions.

This 'something' are the news channels. No i am not joking. Even in the fantasy drama series Matt is not able to do what the news channels are doing today. We are all so much addicted to the news channels and we have so much blind faith in them that we believe whatever they feeds us. Every day we listen to the news and perceive the world to be what we are told on the news. We don't even think whether what we are being told is correct or just a bunch of lies. We look at the world from the eyes of news channels. We become scared because the news tells us about terrorist running around, we become angry because the news tells us about the stupid government decisions, we become emotional because news tells us about the poor girl in a distant city without a roof on her head...

Don't jump to conclusions. Don't assume. Don't blindly trust whatever you are being told. Don't be gullible. Use your mind. Open your eyes and check the facts. Do some research. Use your own judgment to decide what is right and what is wrong. Don't just sit in front of the new channels like a retard and let them feed thoughts and emotions into you. Don't accept everything you are being told. Just because it is being told on TV does not make it the truth.

Think and validate the truth before concluding something. I hope you don't end up like the old lady:

One afternoon, an old lady, laden with shopping, noticed two small boys on the front step of a house. With their bags and uniforms they were obviously going home after school. They were on tip-toe trying to reach the door-bell with a stick.

"Poor little lads, they can't get in," she thought, "Parents these days just don't seem to care."

So she marched up the path, reached over the boys and gave the bell a long firm push.

The surprised boys turned around and screamed "Quick, run!" and promptly disappeared over the garden wall.

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- Where are unity, faith and discipline?
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